Portuguese Journal of Social Science: Volume 15.02

CEI-IUL is one of the research units supporting the publication of the Portuguese Journal of Social Science (PJSS), a peer-reviewed cross-disciplinary journal focusing on research about Portuguese society by scholars of any nationality. PJSS started its publication in the year 2002 and is published three times a year. It is available on EBSCO and on b-on.

Special dossier

The latest issue of the journal features a special dossier on “Political Parties, Citizens and the Economic Crisis: The Evolution of Southern European Democracies“, edited by André Freire and Marco Lisi. The dossier includes five different articles focusing on the political impact of the economic countries in five different southern European countries: Portugal, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, and Greece.

The article written by André Freire, explores how the Portuguese democracy evolved and adapted to extreme political and financial pressure during the Troika’s Intervention between 2011 and 2015, resulting in a minority Socialist government supported by leftist parties with more radical agendas.

Yiannos Katsourides, in the second article of the dossier, argues that the Cypriot situation was already dire – the author classifies it as a ‘severe legitimacy crisis’ – before the crisis. Katsourides points out to a decrease in political engagement on behalf of the citizens in detriment of efforts towards political change.

The third article of this thematic dossier, written by Marco Lisi, shows how the Italian society’s behaviour in the political sphere and long-term political erosion and fragmentation was only partially affected by the crisis.

The fourth article, written by Lucía Medina, focuses on the Spanish case. According to the author, changes in political behaviour might have been triggered by the crisis, but were aggravated by other factors, such as secessionist movements or corruption among elites.

The fifth and final article of the dossier, written by Emmanouil Tsatsanis, explores the Greek case through a comparative effort between the situation prior and subsequent to the crisis.

Articles and Reviews

This issue of Portuguese Journal of Social Science also includes two separate articles, outside the dossier and on different topics. Alda Botelho Azevedo, Julián López-Colás & Juan A. Módenes maintain the focus on Southern Europe, this time to analyze the similarities and differences in home ownership in several Southern European Countries.

CEI-IUL researcher Marcelo Moriconi with Tiago Carvalho deal with the corruption in Portuguese politics and society, trying to identify the ways in which tolerance to corruption is disseminated amongst various social classes.

Finally, there is a book review written by Maria Inácia Rezola on the book O Adeus ao Império: 40 Anos de Descolonização Portuguesa / Farewell to Empire: 40 Years of Portuguese Decolonization, edited by Mário Machaqueiro, Pedro Oliveira and Fernando Rosas.

Demonstrations in Athens, Greece, during the crisis. Photo by Ggia / CC BY-SA 3.0

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Luís Nuno Rodrigues

Director and researcher at CEI-IUL. Associate Professor at ISCTE-IUL. Editor of the Portuguese Journal of Social Science. Ph.D in American History (University of Wisconsin). Visiting professor at Brown University.

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