The Middle East and European Security
CEI-IUL researcher Mirko Stefanovic comments on the evolution and state of the Mediterranean refugee crisis in the European context.
Read MoreCEI-IUL researcher Mirko Stefanovic comments on the evolution and state of the Mediterranean refugee crisis in the European context.
Read MoreDirk Kruijt, researcher at CEI-IUL, was interviewed by E-International Relations to comment his academic and personal path.
Read MoreProfessor Anthony King will present the conference “The Decision Point: military command in the 21st century”.
Read MoreCEI-IUL researcher Luis Brás Bernardino analyses the role of Portugal in the formation of the Armed Forces of Angola after the Bicesse Agreement.
Read MoreDia 7 de Junho, às 18h, apresentação do livro “Angola in the African Peace and Security Architecture” do investigador do CEI-IUL Luís Brás Bernardino.
Read MoreStefano Loi analyzes the Chinese military reforms of the last few years, already defined as the most important in China since 1949.
Read MoreLuís Bernardino, CEI-IUL researcher, recently published a new article entitled “The Angolan Armed Forces and the African Peace and Security Architecture”
Read MoreCEI-IUL researcher David Ferreira discusses the recent launching of a medium to long range missile by North Korea and its international implications.
Read MoreSeminário com Iure Paiva, da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, sobre a segurança energética e as Relações Internacionais no Brasil.
Read MoreStefano Loi, CEI-IUL researcher, wrote a second post on Obama’s military legacy, this time focusing on Iraq and Afghanistan.
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