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14 DEZ | Activisms in Docs #11 | Noma - You Have Never Seen a Township Like This

14 DEZ | Activisms in Docs #11 | Noma – You Have Never Seen a Township Like This

Dia 14 de Dezembro, a partir das 18h00, no Largo Café Estúdio (Intendente) e no âmbito do projecto Activisms in Africa, o CEI-IUL organiza mais uma sessão do Activisms in Docs, com a visualização do documentário “Noma – You Have Never Seen a Township Like This” (Pablo Pinedo Boveda) e posterior conversa com Anna Ludovici (Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, IGOT-UL). A entrada é livre.


Noma gives a voice to the homeless.

Spanish filmmaker Pablo Pinedo sensational and starring documentary Noma, which was showcased at the HotDocs 2016 in Toronto, won the Amnesty International Durban Human Rights Award at the past edition of the Durban International Film Festival on June. 

Noma tells the story of Nomaliphathwe Gwele, a 25 year old single mother of two, who lives in a backyard in a rented shack, and wants to improve her life. To do that she decides to join a land occupation action to build her own shack in the new settlement but risking violent evictions. Pinedo found inspiration for Noma when he documented evictions in Cape Town and surroundings, “to be a human shield for the residents and use the ‘media’ presence as an attenuator for law enforcement repression.”

After documenting several evictions I felt the necessity of telling the story from before, to make audiences and society understand the reasons and conditions/circumstances that leads someone to occupy land and erect a structure to name home. There’s a real social drama related to housing in this country, that still affects thousands of people, in spite of being 22 years in a so-called democracy, afar Apartheid.

Based on the true story of Nomaliphathwe Gwele, who represents a huge portion of the South African contemporary youth in similar situation, living in appalling conditions and surviving with a precarious underpaid job in the best of the cases, the documentary focuses in the birth and exponential growth of a new slum, and all that it implies.

With more than 12 years’ experience in the TV and Film industry, Pablo Pinedo has worked in numerous films and documentaries, as a filmmaker and cinematographer, as well in theatre as lighting designer for several plays, among them, The Beauty Of Incomplete Things in 2014. Before setting down in Cape Town where he created htp://, he spent four years in Italy, in search of the Italian neo-realism and acquired strong skills in cinematography.


Cartaz do filme

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CEI-Iscte (Centre for International Studies) is a university-based multidisciplinary research center at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). CEI-Iscte aims at promoting interdisciplinary research in Social Sciences, International Relations and Economy, focusing in its areas of geographic specialisation: Africa, Asia, Europe, and Transatlantic Relations.