17 JUN | #SSE&Commons | Legal consequences of the environment as a res communis in a circular economy model

CEI-Iscte is organizing a series of SSECommons Webinars throughout 2020 and 2021, as a preparation for the third edition of the International Conference Social Solidarity Economy and the Commons, scheduled for 2022.

Do not miss the eighth webinar, dedicated to the topic “Legal consequences of the environment as a res communis in a circular economy model” which will take place 17 June at 18h00 (Lisbon time) via Zoom. The webinar will count on the participation of Heloísa Oliveira (University of Lisbon School of Law, Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law) as speaker, Meera Ghani, Nuno da Silva (Port’Água, Regenerative Journeys) as commentators, and Gil Penha-Lopes (Department of Plant Biology at FCUL) as moderator.

Access the webinar here: https://bit.ly/SSECommons17JUN

Webinar plan:

22 October: “Solidarity: the unthought of organization?” – the recording of this webinar is available on the SSE&Commons Youtube page.
19 November: “Participação democrática e as organizações de Economia Social e Solidária” (Democratic Participation and the Organizations of Social and Solidarity Economy) – the recording of this webinar is available on the SSE&Commons Youtube page.
21 January: “The power of translocal networks on urban commons based initiatives
25 February: “Democracia e Economia Solidária: como podemos reinventar o Século XXI?” (Democracy and Solidarity Economy: how can we reinvent the 21st Century?)
25 March: “Money and Sustainability: revisiting the missing link
23 April: “The Future of Urban Commons
20 May: “Social and Solidarity Economy in Socio-Economic Regeneration
17 June: Legal consequences of the environment as a res communis in a circular economy model
23 September: TBA
21 October:TBA



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CEI-Iscte (Centre for International Studies) is a university-based multidisciplinary research center at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). CEI-Iscte aims at promoting interdisciplinary research in Social Sciences, International Relations and Economy, focusing in its areas of geographic specialisation: Africa, Asia, Europe, and Transatlantic Relations.

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