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24 NOV | Webinar - Meetings on Studies on China
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24 NOV | Webinar – Meetings on Studies on China

On 24 November (14h30), do not miss the webinar on “An intergenerational perspective on transnational mobility between China and Spain” organised in collaboration with CIES-Iscte.

This event is organised by researchers Sofia Gaspar, Thais França (CIES-Iscte) and Cátia Miriam Costa (CEI-Iscte), within the framework of Meetings on Studies on China. On this occasion, we will have Irene Masdeu (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain) as speaker and Martina Bofulin (Slovenian Migration Institute, Slovenia) as commentator.

About the presentation 

After four decades of continuous migration flows of Chinese people to Spain, Chinese migrants’ descendants in their youth and adult ages are taking an increasingly relevant role in the transnational context between the two countries. Based on ethnographic fieldwork and in-depth interviews conducted in Barcelona, Qingtian and Shanghai, this talk will examine return mobilities, transnational practices and identity change form an intergenerational perspective.

Migrants’ descendants undertake practices and relationship with their parents’ country of origin that change throughout their live course. First, we will talk about the transnational socialization process during the childhood and adolescence and their relationship with the villages of origin of their parents. Secondly, we will focus on the mobilities when they are adults, which respond to the logic of the new mobilities and migration flows from Europe to China.

Encontros China

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 885 4905 5011

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CEI-Iscte (Centre for International Studies) is a university-based multidisciplinary research center at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). CEI-Iscte aims at promoting interdisciplinary research in Social Sciences, International Relations and Economy, focusing in its areas of geographic specialisation: Africa, Asia, Europe, and Transatlantic Relations.