Social & Environmental Changes in the World’s Drylands

Acção COST Drylands Facing Change: Interdisciplinary Research on Climate Change, Food Insecurity, Political Instability

No dia 5 de novembro, pelas 15h, o CEI-IUL organiza no ISCTE-IUL um seminário no âmbito da acção COST Drylands Facing Change, onde vários oradores estarão presentes para debater as alterações sociais e ambientais nas zonas áridas do planeta. A entrada é livre.

Esta iniciativa decorre no âmbito da COST Action Drylands Facing Change: Interdisciplinary Research on Climate Change, Food Insecurity, Political Instability (CA 16233) que terá a sua Assembleia Geral em Évora, nos dias 7 e 8 de Novembro, organizada pelo CEI-IUL e Universidade de Évora.



Local: Auditório 0NE01 – Paquete de Oliveira, Ed. Sedas Nunes, ISCTE-IUL


15h00-15h50 | Painel 1: Land use change

Land use change: Global challenges and local solutions | Dr. Ilan Stavi (DSASC, Israel)

Pioneers, emerging land use frontiers and economies of anticipation in northern Mozambique | Dr. Angela Kronenburg García (ELI, UCLouvain, Belgium )


15h50 – 16h40 | Painel 2: Migration & conflict

 Environmental change and migration in drylands: A review of west African case studies | Dr. Kees van der Geest (UNU-EHS, Germany)

Infrastructure, conflict and mediation in the north Asian steppe | Professor Troy Sternberg (SoGE, UOxford, UK)


16h50 – 17h30 | Painel 3

Global environmental change: Research and engagement in the east African savannas | Professor Kathleen A. Galvin (CSU, USA)

Shit and Chicks | A short documentary by  Dr. Kees van der Geest


Photo by Pxhere / Public Domain

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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