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12 OUT | Coastal Encounters: Memory Temporality and appropriation

12 OUT | Coastal Encounters: Memory Temporality and appropriation

On October 12, CEI-IUL is organising a COOPMAR Research Network Seminar intitled “Coastal Encounters: Memory Temporality and appropriation”, with the participatin of Ana Margarida Santos (project “Rising from the Depths”), Paula Castro (project “Memotrade”), and Amélia Polónia (project “CoopMar”).

The event, which will be moderated by CEI-IUL researcher Cátia Miriam Costa, will take place on Auditorium B1.03 (Building II, ISCTE-IUL) at 15h00.

About the speakers:

Ana Margarida Santos

Post Doctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Roehampton. Ana has a DPhil in Social Anthropology from Oxford University. Her research touches upon contemporary identity politics, conflicting historical accounts and memories of violence in northern Mozambique. Concentrating on political conflict following elections, I investigate how differing memories of a shared past become part of narratives of identity and difference. My analysis brings into focus the volatile political environments in the wake of democratization. Ana has extensive research and teaching experience at various institutions (Durham, SOAS, Brunel, Roehampton, UEL, Oxford, and Birmingham) where she taught core anthropology theory courses, as well as thematic and regional ethnography modules

Paula Castro

Professor of Social Psychology at ISCTE-IUL and a Researcher at CIS-IUL. Her research focuses on social change, exploring how individuals, communities and institutions respond to (e.g., accept, contest, re-signify, narrate) new sustainability laws and public policies, examining in particular the dynamics of public/expert/decision-maker relations. Other areas of interest are social memory, local knowledge and relation to place in changing urban and rural communities.

Amélia Polónia

Professor at the Department of History, Political and International Studies of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, Amélia Polónia is the Scientific Coordinator o CITCEM Research Centre (Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço e Memória). She is director of the master in African Studies, a member of the Scientific Committee of the Erasmus Mundus PhD program “TEEME: Text and Event in Early Modern Europe” (, and a staff member of European PhD ” MOVES – Migration and Modernity: Historical and Cultural Challenges”. Multi and trans disciplinary research is one of her current challenges. Seaports history, migrations, transfers and flows between different continents and oceans, informal mechanisms of empire building, women as brokers and go-betweens in overseas empires and the environmental implications of the overseas European colonisation are key-subjects of Amelia Polonia’s current research. She has been Principal Investigator of the research projects HISPORTOS; DynCoopNet, TECT/EUROCOES (ESF) project. She is the scientific coordinator of the research network The Governance of the Atlantic Seaports and the research network CoopMar – Transoceanic Cooperation | Public Policies and Sociocultural Iberoamerican community.

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CEI-Iscte (Centre for International Studies) is a university-based multidisciplinary research center at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). CEI-Iscte aims at promoting interdisciplinary research in Social Sciences, International Relations and Economy, focusing in its areas of geographic specialisation: Africa, Asia, Europe, and Transatlantic Relations.