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NOWALL | Online debates on the fall of the Berlin Wall
EuropeEventsGermanyHistoryPortugalPublic Awareness of ScienceResearchRussiaSecurity and defenceSocial movementsThe Netherlands

NOWALL | Online debates on the fall of the Berlin Wall

The NOWALL project’s partners have been promoting online debates about the fall of the Berlin Wall from Helsinki and Amsterdam.

The full video from the webinar “Europe from Helsinki Accords to the fall of the Berlin Wall and beyond” hosted by the University of Helsinki with JEF Finland and EAYE – European Association of Young Educators for the NOWALL project, is available here.


Scholars, researchers, students and members of civil society organisations debated the emergence of the human rights discourse, new forms of economic exchange across the Cold War divide, and the resulting constrained space for national politics under the impact of the new paradigm of law and economy. CEI-Iscte was represented by Prof. Luís Nuno Rodrigues and Prof. Ana Mónica Fonseca.

Explore the NOWALL project’s website to learn more about the biographies of the protagonists that contributed to the fall of the Berlin Wall and check out CAAT Projects’ video performance about activism and the new walls in Europe, created for the online workshop “No Wall”.

The NOWALL project, coordinated by CEI-Iscte, aims to promote a better understanding about European citizens’ movements that contributed to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War and is supported by the Europe for Citizens programme - European Remembrance strand.

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


CEI-Iscte (Centre for International Studies) is a university-based multidisciplinary research center at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). CEI-Iscte aims at promoting interdisciplinary research in Social Sciences, International Relations and Economy, focusing in its areas of geographic specialisation: Africa, Asia, Europe, and Transatlantic Relations.