What Next In Syria?
CEI-IUL researcher Mirko Stefanovic discusses dilemmas of US foreign policy in Syria, after the missile attacks of early April.
Read MoreCEI-IUL researcher Mirko Stefanovic discusses dilemmas of US foreign policy in Syria, after the missile attacks of early April.
Read MoreRui Tavares, investigador do CEI-IUL, escreveu para o jornal Público a propósito do bombardeamento norte-americano a posições do governo de Bashar al-Assad.
Read MoreFilipe Vasconcelos Romão comenta, na RTP 1, os mais recentes acontecimentos da guerra na Síria e o lançamento de mísseis por ordem de Donald Trump.
Read MoreNo dia 6 de abril de 2017, o Presidente Donald Trump tomou a mais importante decisão em termos de política externa desde que iniciou funções.
Read MoreStefano Loi, CEI-IUL researcher, concludes his analysis of Obama’s military legacy, focusing on military interventions in Libya and Syria.
Read MoreMónica Canário explains the rise to power of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and the complexities of the civil war that has devastated the country.
Read MoreMirko Stefanovic argues that war in Syria is an example of armed violence in which battles are fought on different levels and against multiple enemies.
Read MoreAurora Sottimano, researcher at CEI-IUL, explains and contextualizes the political alignments of Syrian business elite and the latter’s influence on current Syrian politics.
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